Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Visit from Granny!!

For those of you who know me, you know why this is soooo exciting for me!

My Grandma is my very best friend in the world. We have been close all my life. She introduced me to all the best things in this world..Days of Our Lives, Homemade Dressing, Hand-held Solitaire Machines, and Burgoo :) My husband finds our relationship quirky & laughs at us...we talk on the phone everyday, many days - multiple times a day. (he fondly refers to her as "Grandma Yak-Yak"!)

Since I have had Children, Grandma has made it a point to come & stay with us often. I love that she is so involved with my children as she was such a HUGE part of raising me growing up. She is a legacy herself - and, I love that my kids are getting a chance to know her the way I did :)

So, anyway - I'm picking her up today for a 3 day visit. Wish it was longer, but, we will make due. I'm SUPER STOKED about this visit too because she is bringing along photo albums of days gone by for my new project. I want to take time to scan all these old photos into the computer & begin creating photo books to have for myself, my children & their children. These are pictures of my Grandma & Grandpa (who is no longer with us), their parents (who I never got to really know), even my own Parents growing up, dating, etc. I can't wait to start looking through these. I'm sure we will have many, many stories to share during the next 3 days.

(Oh, and, BTW: I also introduced Granny to American Idol - and, for 8 years now we have watched this together, or on the phone during the entire episode. I Love my Granny!)

I will post more later on the status of our project. But, for now, here's a picture of My Grandma & I on my wedding day. Love her!!

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