Friday, May 7, 2010

Take me out to the Ballgame...

Today was the big Cubs v. Cards T-Ball Game at Coffeen Elementary School. Cole was (of course) on the Cubs team.
The kids had so much fun - everyone hit the ball twice, and, got a chance to play in the field.
Thank you Mrs. Isaak for a fun day!

After the big game, Cole & Reese got to have a picnic lunch in the park.

I'm so thankful I have had a chance to be with Cole & experience all these fun things lately :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Perfect Day to spend at the Park!

Today I decided that Cole & I needed to leave the after school we packed a picnic lunch & headed to the park in Nokomis.

Cole had a ton of fun playing. His favorite was the Merry-Go-Round, which was the thing I hated most as a kid. (it's like car sickness non stop!)

The weather was perfect. We stayed for about 2 hrs, and, I would have been just fine staying all afternoon - Cole decided next time he needs to bring a friend

This is the aftermath....Cole just passed out on the kitchen floor at about 4:30p! He's so exhausted.
It's days like today that reinforce to me that being home with Cole & the new baby, at least for a while, is the right thing :) Thank you God for simple reminders of what is really important in life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The hard to answer questions...

So, last night after Cole finished his bedtime prayers he looked at me and said "Mommy, I don't see Jesus - he can't hear me". So, of course I tried to answer with Jesus hears all our prayers, even though we can't see him he's with us always. a child who takes everything in a literal sense...this was a tough conversation. I was stammering around, and, really did not have confidence in the answer I was giving how was this 4 year old supposed to buy it? Any suggestions as to how to continue this conversation are welcome!

Monday, May 3, 2010


(this was from a blog I read this morning, it was too good not to pass along...we can really wallow in our own self-pity when we want to. this is such a great reminder to pull ourselves out of that pit and be thankful for EVERYTHING!)

I have so much to be unthankful for. I could write a list that is pages long. I could rant and rave to all my friends about how this life has treated me bad, how my husband doesn’t love me like he should and about how my children give me a headache. I could lament about the way I was raised. I could fill my heart with all manner of bitterness towards life and God because things don’t go the way I want.


“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying it’s power. And from such people turn away!” 1 Timothy 3: 1-5

I could walk around with a scowl on my face. I could complain and grumble about the way the lady at Wal-Mart treated me, about how my clothes are too tight and about the condition of my 2nd bathroom. I could wax on about the miseries of having 6 children and homeschooling them. Oh the stories I could tell!


“…because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened…” Roman 1 :22

Instead, instead I will choose to be thankful. I will be thankful for every little thing no matter how small and insignificant. I will find the thing to be thankful for in the midst of a storm, in the center of a crisis, at the end of a hard day. My heart has been filled with an indescribable joy. My mouth gushes the goodness of God. My eyes twinkle at the crabby lady at Wal-Mart and the irritating receptionist at the dentist. Because God had laid this on my heart and has given me a mandate to remind His people- BE THANKFUL!


“Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” Psalm 100: 5

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Boys Day Out

Today Jason, his Dad (Norm), and, Cole went fishing. Cole had so much fun! He's beginning to really love fishing as much as his Dad. I have a feeling that I won't see much of the two of them when Cole gets old enough to fish tournaments with his Dad!

Today Cole caught 4 bluegill all by himself - he was so proud. Unfortunately he wouldn't get his pic taken with any of the fish. You can tell Mom wasn't there, I would have forced this photographic moment!

When I asked Cole if he brought the fish home for us to eat he said "Oh no Mom, Catch & have to leave the fishies there for the next person". Spoken like a true tournament fisherman. I miss the days of my Dad & Grandpa bringing home ALL the fish and having huge fish fries :)

I survived week #1

Well, it's now Saturday, and, I have officially survived week #1 as a SAH Mommy. It was really pretty amazing to get to be with Cole, experience all parts of his day with him, and, of course - to see the shock everyday when he would ask "Mommy, are you going to work today?" and I would get to say "No, I'm staying with you".

We still have a lot of "kinks" to work out. First of all....a good schedule! I have really enjoyed not having to wake up to an alarm clock...hence, getting out of bed at 7am, and, rushing to get Cole to school by 8am. I need to sharpen the pencil a bit on the AM routine. We are also still struggling with "rest time". I get that he's getting a little old to keep taking 2-3 hour naps (although, he did for Grandpa!), but he still needs time resting - otherwise he falls asleep at 6pm. He's really pushing that button right now.

I do think that as the weeks go on, and, I continue feeling better - I will have to take up a hobby of some sort. For now reading has been enough for me to stay "busy" outside of household stuff....but I can see how after awhile I might begin to get bored with it. Since Cole's scrapbook is about 4 years behind...I'm hoping that will peak my interest again before our new little peanut arrives :)