I know this seems like a crazy topic for a Mom of a 4 year old to have on her heart! This summer I participated in a Bible Study with a group of other Mom's at my church. The study covered Creative Correction by Lisa Welchel. (I HIGHLY recommend it!) As the school year is upon us, I started reviewing some of the key chapters I really want to focus on with Cole. Needless to say..this was not one of them. However, at 5am today, wide awake..I felt God calling me to get up & spend time with him, and, this is what he laid in front of me.
We know that as Christians we will face persecution, we know that our children will -- we just expect it to be in Jr or Sr High. But my mind has been opened now to the "little things" that can really send them down the wrong path so young. I want Cole to stand strong in his faith -- so that he WILL be ready to face persecution when it comes! Which means I, as his Mom, need to make sure I'm helping him make the right choices from the beginning.
"Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33).
As much as our children need to be able to choose their friends, and, learn from those choices -- when they are young, we set the example of choosing the right friends...not only for our children but for us as well. (remember, they see everything!)
Cole doesn't always have the option of choosing all of his friends, because of his class situation, he is sometimes placed with groups of children I may not necessarily always think are the best influence. Last year, one of the little boys who Cole rode the bus with, told him he was a looser. He came home very sad - hanging his head, and, told us that he was a looser. I could see, at the age of 4, what his friends thought of him was deeply important to him. My heart broke as I explained to Cole that he was not a looser, and, that the little boy who said that likely had no idea what it even meant. To this day, Cole will bring that up from time to time....and, yes - it still breaks my heart just as much.
"A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17)
As hard as it is to see your child suffer, how sweet it is to witness a friend (or even your child) stick up for another little friend :) Time & time again I have seen friends help Cole through difficult moments. I want Cole to be ready to do the same for friends in life when they need it.
One of the wonderful things about surrounding ourselves with Godly friends, is that we know how they parent, and, what they teach their children. I am blessed to be surrounded by a group of wonderful Mom's at my church and in my community. Watching them, encourages me to keep going! Many of their children, have become good friends with Cole - I am so proud to say that he has an excellent circle of friends in this group that I hope will remain in his life for years to come :)
My prayer for all of our children as this school year starts, is that they can find those few close friends that will be their "Brother during times of Adversity", and, that they will radiate Christ's Love as they go throughout their day. After all...sometimes the most innocent of us all, teach us the most :)