Eleven years ago today I sat in a hospital room nervous & completely unsure we were ready for this ride as parents. You were prayed for & planned (down to the day you were born, literally), and loved before you ever entered this big world. At 5:55pm you made me a Mommy & opened my eyes to a whole new way to love. You gave your Dad the greatest gift he has ever received. You were the first Grandchild, Great-Grandchild & Great-Great Grandchild....you were so very loved from the moment we saw your sweet face.
No one ever really knows what parenting will be like until you step into that role. I never knew I could love so much it physically hurt. I never knew I could fight as hard as I did for someone else's life. I never imagined that one day I would trade in all my dreams for much bigger one, the dreams for my Son. (and I never knew this Mama had so much crazy in her until it came to protecting her boy!) For now, all of this is just words...bigger words than you will be able to understand. But one day, one day you will have a child of your own and it will all make sense. I'm already praying about that day for you...about the man you will be & the husband & father you will become. Because it will be here before we know it. Yesterday you were jumping in my arms & calling me Pea Pie....and then I blinked and you were in 5th Grade, and independent and strong boy, with a heart for humanity. And all too soon I'm going to open my eyes again, and you will be standing in front of me a man, ready to leave my nest and head out into that great big world.
Yes I know...I hear you....I know you think I'm over the top about birthdays (and likely a few more things, but that's for a different post, at a different time! ha!). Your Dad & brother think I'm a little crazy too ;) But let's face it child...this is what you've got to live with for the rest of my life, so buckle up and enjoy your Mom's crazy ride. I will always be over the top for you. I will always celebrate your accomplishments and your milestones. I will always be grateful the God chose me to be your Mom, and gave me the opportunity to experience this ride with you.
All my love (and my crazy),
Great letter!