Since I became a SAH Mom last April, I have barely picked up any book other than my Bible (and that certainly hasn't been as often as I would like). I should have time to ready, right...after all I am home all day! But, alas, NO I do not. My life is crazy busy all day long and then I sleep as much as I can at night so that I can get up & do it all again the next day!
Reading has always been very important to me, so I've decided that in 2011 I want to make it a priority. To help make that happen, I have put together a list of books that I would like to read, and, hopefully - I can get a few of them done this year :)
If you have any feedback on any of these I would love to hear it!
1. Made to Crave (Lysa TerKeurst)
2. Home to Holly Springs (Jan Karon)
3. In the Company of Others (Jan Karon)
4. Crazy Love (Francis Chan)
5. Surviving in an Angry World (Charles Stanley)
6. Radical (David Platt)
7. The Christian Atheist (Craig Groeschel)
8. Choosing Gratitude (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)
9. Lord, Change my Attitude before it's too late! (James MacDonald)
10. The Excellent Wife (Martha Peace)
In addition to these great reads, I also want to revisit some additional bible studies with the family.
1. The Book of Ruth...I started this in a group bible study at church & loved it, I would like to dive further into this on my own.
2. I would love for Jason & I to revisit Love & Respect. Marriage changes after you have kids!
3. Jason & I need to work through Bringing up Boys again. We are raising Little Men!
4. Our Bible Study group is now working through the Book of Esther, which I love, because of the amazing message (God can use ANYONE), I would love to do a kid friendly study with Cole.
I know this is a lot, and, by no means do I expect to get through even 1/2 of it, to be honest - if I made it through two it would be a BIG improvement from last year! But, these are investments into my life, my family, my I think it's worth putting on paper & making some goals!
Another good book for boys is Raising a Modern Day Knight, I have it if you want to check it out sometime.
I would love to! Thanks :)